RESERVATION: +966 461 4673

who we are

who we are

who we are

We are the best therapeutic nutrition center

Health Balance Center for Clinical Nutrition: A center specialized in the treatment of obesity and thinness at the hands of cadres specialized in therapeutic nutrition licensed by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, and the diet programs follow the latest findings in therapeutic nutrition science.

Dr. Ibrahim bin Abdullah Al-Arifi

Objectives of the center

Balance Health Center for Clinical Nutrition is the best center for therapeutic nutrition

تنظيم محاضرات ثقافية وعلمية لرفع مستـــوى التوعيـــة الصحيـــة والغذائيـــة للأفراد Organizing cultural and scientific lectures to raise the level of health and nutritional awareness for individuals
تقديم استشارات طبية للأمراض المزمنة مع عمل التحاليل الطبية الضرورية Providing medical consultations for chronic diseases with the necessary medical tests
تقديم برامج تغذية علاجية مناسبة لكل حالة مرضية كالحوامل - كبار السن Providing appropriate therapeutic nutrition programs for every sick condition, such as pregnant women - the elderly
تحقيق التوازن بين الصحة و الرشاقة عن طريق برامج غذائية و علاجية مناسبة Achieving a balance between health and fitness through appropriate nutritional and therapeutic programs


Specialized cadres




مساعدالمدير العام


المدير العام

دكتور/ ابراهيم بن عبدالله العريفي

المشرف العام

Our services

Balance Health medical Center for therapy Nutrition