Our topic is about a danger that has begun to spread among children and is costing the state and citizens exorbitant sums, which is cancerous tumors and leukemia for children. This sensitive category is for those under 15 years of age, such as those who need religious, social, educational and physical education, they need nutritional education. If the child is left at his whim, (He eats what he likes) It will be a disaster, God forbid. Why? This category eats a huge amount of sweets, french fries, soft drinks, some types of biscuits, fast food…etc. These are not devoid of additives either (colorful, fixed, flavored, thickening, preservative)
The additives may be within the permissible limits and in accordance with the established standard specifications, and without the presence of such additives, the world would not have been able to provide sufficient food for the population of the globe, which is estimated at 6 billion people. The main reason for the existence of governmental oversight bodies that play their role, in addition to the fact that the incidents of non-compliance are individual, but the main problem is the consumer awareness of the family. The child’s intake of these substances within reasonable limits may not cause harm, but when they exceed to high cumulative doses over time, which causes harm, there are no studies for these Articles about what is known as the daily intake rate of these materials and drinks
The danger comes to this category when the rope is left to them to eat what they desire, especially the spread of groceries and home delivery at lightning speed. He may devour a group of different materials and in large quantities throughout the day and as the days pass, what happens is a time bomb that explodes when he is 10 years old and sometimes less than that Or up to 15 years of age. Either leukemia or cancerous tumors in one of the body’s organs, may God protect us and you from these deadly diseases
Harm does not occur from consumption in a day, two days, a month or a year, but rather years, and there is a saying that says “water points are dug. The same himself, and we do not forget that the fried potatoes, whether from restaurants, at home, or produced in factories (chips) are fried in oils and used for several times. It may be oxidized from heat and oxygen. The shapes and chains of fatty acids transform into other forms from (Cis) to (Trans). Trans, and this is dangerous and carcinogenic
Also, the acrylamide in potatoes is carcinogenic if it exceeds certain doses, so the danger comes to our homes, and the great responsibility is not control by government agencies only, but self-censorship by the family (parents). There is no harm from them, God willing. Forcing family members to eat the main meals at home is a necessity, salt and fruits between meals and green tea an hour after the main meals because of its anti-oxidant effect. The main meal, which is often lunch in Saudi society, contains important basic elements, which are starches (carbohydrates) such as rice – pasta – bread – groats – pirate … and proteins Such as meat – fish – chicken – or vegetable protein, the fat is in a percentage not exceeding 10% that the consumer obtains, whether from the fats included in meat and the percentages of fat in dairy products or others. On the health aspect in the way of cooking, or choosing the types, and eating bee honey in the morning on an empty stomach. Some families suffer from the problem of children’s reluctance to eat this main meal after they return from school. Why? Either to buy them on their way home from the markets or eat fast food at home that invaded homes because of the maids, which is known as (noodles) Chinese or Indonesian pasta, even if it comes from wheat, is a grain, but the additives and detractors, due to their abundance, may affect and this snack prevents children from eating the main meal, but it came to some mothers, teachers or employees, not only children, God help them all. Paying attention to food education may not be by force or stick, but by awareness, persuasion, setting examples and rewarding them in the event that a good diet, control and follow-up is achieved. We ask God for safety for all (our children are our livers walking on the earth)
Dr. Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Arifi, Ph.D. in Food Sciences and Nutrition, Member of the Board of Directors of the Saudi Society for Food and Nutrition